Photo Courtesy of UWG Softball Team

UWG Softball Gets a New Coaching Staff

UWG welcomes Kristy Burton and her staff from Webber International University to coach the softball team. It was officially announced in the spring semester that Burton would head over the university’s softball team after having a mid-season coaching removal during the 2021-2022 season.

Burton and her staff of two all come from Webber and have a long history of all working together at many different levels and more many years. Right before Burton was hired she took her team at Webber to the NAIA world series.

Burton loved her girls and team but it was time for a new opportunity. Together, they moved to Carrollton, GA to take the UWG softball team to the next level.

“It’s been a pretty big adjustment just learning all the new procedures, getting to know a new team, but everyone is so helpful that it’s made it easy to want to be here,” says Burton.

            Burton had two months with her new team before their first fall competition on Oct. 9 at Mercer University. The Wolves came up short 6-5 in a 10 innings scrimmage. She is determined to take this team to the farthest point and she is anxious to start the season in Feb. 2023.

            “I am excited to see us compete together as a team and become the first class program this team works everyday to become,” says Burton. “We are excited to see how many heads we can turn by winning not just on the field but in the classroom, and in our community.”

            The top priority for this 2022 team is to make a new name for themselves. They are starting from the ground up to become the best of the best and compete in the most challenging Division II conference for softball.

            Each day this team works alongside Burton and her staff. They have a short off season in the fall to prepare for the beginning competitions.

“We as a team will set goals each season but right now we just want to be competitive in the classroom, community, and in competition,” Burton says. “Every year of course we want to win but this season we have a few small goals: compete in the post season and win a conference championship, have a team GPA goal of 3.7, and have the most community service hours on campus.”

The team will have their first official game on Feb. 3, 2023 in Gulf Shores, Ala. followed by a busy season of about 60 games. Burton and her staff have all the confidence that it will be the best season yet. cai onbetnhà cái onbetonbetonbet88onbet88link onbetđăng nhập onbetonbet vnqh88mu88link 188bet188bet đăng nhập188bet linklink m88link vao m88m88 link10 nhà cái uy tíntop 10 nhà cái uy tín nhất hiện naylink vao vn88vn88 website chính thứcvn88 tntanhà cái onbetdá»± Ä‘oán kết quảxổ số bóng đákết quả đặc biệtkết quả hôm naysố kết quả giải đặc biệtdá»± Ä‘oándá»± Ä‘oán kết quảxem kết quảdá»± Ä‘oán kết quảsổ kết quảđặc biệtdá»± Ä‘oánkết quả trá»±c tiếptrá»±c tiếpgiải thưởngdá»± Ä‘oán kết quảxổ số bóng đádá»± Ä‘oán kết quảxổ số bóng đákết quả đặc biệtso kết quảsố kết quả giải đặc biệtdá»± Ä‘oánxổ sốkết quả xổ sốxsktxs mbxổ số miềnkết quảxổ số trá»±c tiếp hôm naysoi cầu 247xổ số trá»±c tiếpssmbkết quả xsmb hôm nayxosokết quả sổ xô miên bắc hôm nayxsmbxsmnxsmbxổ số miền bắcsxmbkqxsmbsoi cầu 247kết quả xổ số miền bắckqxsxổ số hôm nayxstdketquaxổ số hà ná»™ikết quả xổ số miền namxổ sốkết quả xổ sốxsmbxổ số miền 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