Connect and find Success at UWG’s Premier Media Networking Event

Media Day connects students with industry professionals and opportunities.

When breaking into a career field, it is often said that what a person knows is of equal importance to who a person knows. The building of professional relationships is believed to be essential to future growth and success. The University of West Georgia returns with its 43rd annual Media Day, offering inspiration and opportunity to students in the School of Communication, Film and Media as they collaborate with other industry professionals. 

“Media Day is our premier event for students to network with media professionals,” said Kelly Wiliams, chief organizer of Media Day. “It’s a day dedicated to bringing people together for networking, including alumni as well as other industry partnerships.” 

Media Day will take place on March 3 at the Campus Center Ballroom, kicking off with a speech by keynote speaker, Teresa Whitaker at 10:00 a.m. Following this will be the Table Talks portion of the event.

“The Table Talks are something we implemented just last year and they were well received. We had lots of different professionals and they each had a niche topic to discuss at their table,” said Williams. “We allotted time where students could pick and choose which topic they attended and we did the rotations for them. It worked out really well. 

“Students loved the Table Talks and really wanted more time at the table,” continued Williams. “So this year, we’ve increased the time so students will spend 20 minutes at five different tables of their choice. We’ve also found that with them being in a small group setting, students tend to ask more questions.” 

After the Table Talks, students will migrate from the Campus Center Ballroom to the Campus Center atrium for a brief reception for socialization and refreshments. 

“The reception is for our students and our professionals to have more of an informal networking session,” said Williams. “While getting a cheesecake bite, a student may be in line next to the keynote speaker and can see what comes up in a conversation about it.”

Subsequent to the reception, students will re-enter the Campus Center Ballroom where more industry professionals will have tables set up for all of the students to venture around and talk to the professionals about their experience with companies they are representing.

“One thing I really stress to is for people to not limit themselves to their concentration,” said Williams. “In this industry, people are constantly coming and going and moving around. That’s what is so great about our degree.” 

Williams believes the students of SCFM will greatly benefit from Media Day.

“Things happen at Media Day. People find internships, jobs and mentors,” said Williams. “If you go looking for something at Media Day, you will find something at Media Day.” 

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