Passion Meets Performance with UWG Idol

Music is powerful. It may serve as a source of comfort when times are difficult as the lyrics to a song seem to almost perfectly convey the emotions inside of a person. Strong and powerful communities are formed when people enjoy similar music artists, and attending concerts can create memorable experiences that last a lifetime. The healing power of music is why it is often referred to as being “a universal language.” 

“The Forge” Presents a Heartwarming Story of Becoming a Man

Many moviegoers find coming-of-age films to be such stimulating and powerful works of art. Unlike other types of films that are driven by constant action and intense rushes of adrenaline, coming-of-age films are driven simply by a gripping, complex, and often relatable main character. The plot merely exists to aid the exploration into the transformation of this character. 

Wide Receiver Duo Proves to be a Powerhouse for Wolves

The West Georgia Wolves wide receivers Karmello English and Dylan Gary have more in common than one might originally think: they both committed to Division 1 Football Bowl Series (FBS) schools, they both play the same position and they both are making an impact on the field for the Wolves early in the season.