The popular new television series All American was written and directed by April Blair. Blair is a well-known American film writer and producer. She has produced popular films such as Christmas Caper, Private Valentine: Blonde and Dangerous and Lemonade Mouth. She has also co-produced movies like The Monte Carlo featuring Selena Gomez. All American was released on October 10, 2018, and can be seen on Netflix. There have been many new seasons added since the release date.
All American is a television series based around football player Spencer Brown, who attends South Crenshaw High school. The setting is based in Beverly Hills and South Crenshaw. South Crenshaw is a low-income area compared to Beverly Hills, a high-income area. Spencer Brown in the first season is recruited to leave South Crenshaw and play for the Beverly Hills high school football team. He has to leave his mother and his younger brother to be eligible to play.
In season three, Blair and her co-writers showed the characters standing up for organizations such as Black Lives Matter. Tamika, an African American female, was asleep in her car when an officer approached her. Tamika complied with the officer, however, the officer ended up shooting her. The district attorney’s office covered up the incident by saying she was not complying. Olivia, the daughter of the attorney on Tamika’s case, uncovers the bodycam footage of Tamika’s unlawful death. Olivia released the footage on her podcast and this sparked uproar among the community.
Overall, season three tops the other two seasons with the changes in the storyline. It is filled with drama and will leave the viewer wanting to watch more.
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