UWG is bringing back Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues, and auditions began Nov. 17.
The Vagina Monologues is a memorable and interactive play that showcases a variety of issues that women experience all over the world.
“The Vagina Monologues is an episodic play that focuses on the struggles of being a woman,” said Christie Poth, Director of The Vagina Monologues. “Each monologue discusses different topics such as domestic abuse and female circumcision.”
Eve Ensler is an American playwright, author, performer and feminist. Ensler wrote The Vagina Monologues and premiered it in 1996 at The Westside Theater.
“Eve Ensler is the author of The Vagina Monologues,” said Poth. “She runs The V-Day Foundation, which is a global movement to end violence against women and she is also the was the first person who ever performed The Vagina Monologues.”
Women of all ages, races and backgrounds are encouraged to come and audition.
“We are excited to welcome new members to our team,” said Poth. “Auditions are open to the West Georgia community, but the only restriction is that in order to be in the play you must identify as a woman.”
Auditions for the Vagina Monologues are open to all. This year the director is determined to have a wide variety of women, and no one will be turned away.
“This year at UWG, if you audition for The Vagina Monologues you are automatically accepted,” said Poth. “We are looking for all types of women. We do not deny anyone, and we want as many people as possible.”
Although The Vagina Monologues has been held at UWG for many years, it faces the problem of not being held consistently every year, and Poth plans to change that.
“This is not an annual event, but I am hoping that is something we can work towards,” said Poth. “The Vagina Monologues has been held at West Georgia off and on for about 10 years.”
The production of this play requires extensive preparation and a number of procedures that must be followed before it hits the stage.
“Before you can host this event on your campus you have to first apply for the script,” said Poth. “I have an advisor who helps me handle all of the technical piece. She applies for the script, and she also books the space where we have the event.
The Vagina Monologues is a play that is consistent all around. Wherever it is performed the audience will hear the same script. The major difference between each production is that they will have a variety of actresses and different artistic elements.
“Something that is unique about The Vagina Monologues is that it is one episodic play that is consistent all over the U.S,” said Poth. “Once you receive the script, the director has to follow the script and the stage directions as it is written.”
Ensler’s plays are copyrighted and it is important that all directors stick to the script.
“Some people will attempt to change the script by adding or taking away scenes, but when you do that, you run the risk of losing your license and never being able to perform this play again,” said Poth, “Here at UWG, we definitely follow the script, because I would never want to risk West Georgia never being able to perform this again.”
In the past UWG has charged $5 to attend the play, but this year they are discussing changing that fee.
“Last year it was $5 entry fee to see the performance, but this year we want to switch it up,” said Poth. “This year we would like to do a suggested monetary donation of $1-$5. When we performed it for $5, I feel as though not as many people showed up, and I would rather have 500 people spend $1 than 100 people spend $5.”
It is important that UWG hosts events like this as they foster environments for female students to express how they feel. The Vagina Monologues is a great way to start the discussion on how people can change their perception about women.
“I think it is important for students to come out to this event because I think that some people still don’t know the everyday struggles of women, and they don’t understand what their fellow female colleagues and coworkers have to endure,” said Poth.
This event is an easy yet meaningful way to get involved. By continuously hosting this event, attendees are increasing their power to respond to issues pertaining to women, and also raise awareness about things that women experience.
“I think ultimately it is important to educate ourselves,” said Poth. “Women problems are people problems, so we all need to care about them.”
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