Living West

UWG Student Becomes Finalist at International Collegiate Marketing Conference

The American Marketing Association International Collegiate Conference (AMA ICC) wrapped up its annual convention in New Orleans, Louisiana. April 11-13 was a weekend of showing off participating UWG students’ strategic excellence at the conference featuring over 2,000 students worldwide. UWG was recognized by having Senior Marketing Major Jacey Coleman represented as a finalist in the sales marketing competition. 

Center for Student Involvement and Inclusion Celebrates Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month With The Lantern Festival 

Every year the Center for Student Involvement and Inclusion at UWG hosts a number of events to enrich students and others in the community in new cultures and traditions. Most recently on April 10, CSII hosted their Lantern Festival event, an early celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage month. Students that attended this event had the opportunity to enjoy new food, customs, and participate in craft activities to celebrate Asian culture. 

The BIG Event Promotes Community and Involvement 

Life gets busy as a college student. There are exams to study for, assignments that need to be completed, jobs that need to be worked, relationships that need to be nurtured, not to mention the seeking out of career opportunities for the day when that hard-earned degree is finally official. Needless to say, it’s necessary for college students to slow down every so often. 

UWG Vogue Academy Showcases Student Talent at Couture Galore Fashion Show

At the University of West Georgia, there are many ways for students to express themselves. The campus and student organizations guarantee that every student on and off campus can share their loves and interests. One organization that gives students the chance to express themselves artistically is the UWG Vogue Academy, with its first Couture Galore taking place this semester. The Vogue Academy presents a fashion show once a semester with creative and unique themes, and this year’s theme allows students to express their fashion sense and modeling talent. 

The Carrollton Writers Guild Presents: BookFest 2024

Carrollton Center for the Arts is hosting its annual BookFest, a literary event packed full of presentations from award-winning and local authors as well as several writing workshops on April 6 and 7. This event will be discounted for University of West Georgia students, providing the perfect opportunity for future writers to interact with professionals and learn more about literary arts.