This week began homecoming for the University of West Georgia. The Alumni Association is ensuring the alumni, old and young, have lots of opportunities to reconnect with each other and engage in school spirit. Events will be happening for students around campus all week but alumni-centered events begin on Friday.
“I would recommend alumni arrive Friday since events begin at 5:30 at Local Ties Brewery for official events,” said University of West Georgia Alumni Board Member, Amy Anderson.
“University held campus events on Friday begin at 6:30 with the Homecoming Parade,” continued Anderson. “The whole community is invited to line Maple Street in front of UWG for the best viewing opportunity.”
The parade will begin at the College of Education and follow Maple street towards downtown. The parade will turn back into campus and head towards Love Valley.
“There is also a Beer and Wine Tasting on the Campus Center Back Patio with live music from 6:30 – 9:00,” said Anderson. “There is a fifteen-dollar fee, you must be 21 years or older to participate. Finally, there is the pep rally and fireworks at Love Valley at 8:30 after the parade.”
Many UWG clubs, organizations and Greek life will be celebrating homecoming off campus on Friday. The WOLF Radio is having a reunion at Local Ties. The marching band is hosting a reunion at Printer’s Ale.
“Starting on Saturday, some groups including Greek Life and The Black Alumni Network will be beginning activity on early Saturday Morning,” said Anderson. “The official UWG tailgating begins at 4 p.m. under the big white tent. Registration is $10 for adults and free for children under 12. There will be beer, wine, food and other non-alcoholic beverages. Then of course the big homecoming game against Mississippi College begins at 6 p.m.
“I personally am hosting the All Greek Social at The Irish Bred Pub after the game on Saturday,” continued Anderson. “The purpose of that event is to bring all Greek Alumni together regardless of their affiliation.”
Alumni can attend these events around Carrollton regardless if they were involved with the organizations or not. It gives a great opportunity for alumni to reconnect and engage in school spirit.
“Me personally, I cannot wait to reunite with friends I have not seen for years or rarely see. I am particularly excited about the All Greek Alumni Social. Greek Life was my favorite part of my UWG experience, and I am excited to bring ALL groups together for an unfulfilled experience. The days of head-to-head competition are over, and we can enjoy celebrating our common experiences together as alumni,” said Anderson.
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