During the last few weeks, Carrollton Police Department (CPD) have had more officers patrol the square between 11 p.m.- 2 a.m. Adamson square is the location of the majority of Carrollton’s bars including Irish Bred Pub, Plates on the Square and the City Tavern. As classes have started back students are all moving back into housing bringing the crowds and underage drinking back to town.
When asked about the numbers of drinking citations and physical altercations. “These stats could easily be pulled to be exact, however the amount of underage drinking citations, drug arrest, physical altercations and crashes associated through the late-night hours on Adamson Square is significantly lower through the winter and summer months,” said Cpl. Richard Cheatwood #266.
“The amount of arrests from August-November are almost triple,” said Cpl. Cheatwood For Carrollton locals and of age consumers, this can be frustrating to be around and unsafe for the young adults who are involved in such crimes.”
Cpl. Cheatwood shared insights of the actions that Carrollton Police are taking to help reduce underage drinking and to keep their community safe, happy and under control. The presence of officers on the square increases when volume of calls is allowed. They are there during peak busy hours on the square and busier nights like football games and holidays. The officers are placed around to enforce and influence better behavior of the college students.
“The underage drinkers typically tell on themselves by visually being heavily impaired, being carried by friends or even lying down on the sidewalks,” said Cpl. Cheatwood. It is often that officers get flagged down to come help seek medical aid to these minors.
Another way of keeping the peace and monitoring the crowds on the square during late nights is by completing walkthroughs multiple times a year. This is an occasional practice and happens when there are multiple complaints of underage drinking inside these businesses or other crimes taking place inside.
“This could be from drug use to physical altercations. However, if and when we do “walk throughs, we walk through EVERY business open late on Adamson Square not just the business in question. A report with stats is also documented thereafter,” said Cpl. Cheatwood.
If someone is found guilty of underage drinking, they are given an underage citation. A CUA is typically followed by a fine or probation and having to appear in court.
With these efforts pushing forward, the officers with CPD have high hopes of decreasing the physical altercations on, off and in the parking lots of the square. They are also striving to eliminate the crashes that are caused by the impaired when leaving the square. The statistics have proven the added presence has directly affected those numbers.
“[CPD] wants everyone to understand that we want all the students and everyone else to get out and have a good time,” said Cpl. Cheatwood.
While these officers carry out their duties as policemen, the community is thankful for making the town safer for everyone.
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