Photo courtesy of PSA

The Psychology Student Association Offers Opportunities for Fun and Networking for Aspiring Psychologists at UWG

PSA fosters psychology learning, engagement, and community through events.

UWG’s Psychology Student Association (PSA) is covering the vast study of psychology for the hard studying majors of psychology and those who are just mildly curious about the field. This semester, PSA President Kamia Howard is hoping to increase the enrollment in the organization and to spread knowledge about what psychologists do and how they do it.

“We’re learning more about the field, the work study, just getting to the places we want to be,” said Howard.

At the PSA’s most recent meeting, Harris offered a more digestible way for participating students to learn about the various studies within the major.

“Our last meeting we had candy grams,” said Howard. “I’d say that’s a fun activity. We also had a psychology presentation explaining love languages and hate languages.” 

The PSA’s meetings are not only informative. They’re also fun. And they provide an inclusive space for aspiring psychologists to make friends with other students who will someday be their colleagues in the field.

“Every meeting is joyful,” said Howard. “We have fun. We have snacks. We get with people one on one and are always open to feedback to help people on campus learn more about psychology.

“In May, we have an event called De-Stress Fest,” Howard continued. “We have a bunch of de-stress games, and it’s open to everyone on campus to kind of cool off.”

The De-Stress Fest will take place at the Campus Center Ballroom just before Finals week, a perfect activity to join in on after those tiring study sessions.

As a newly named PSA President, Howard is unifying with other outfits to do coordinated events, further spreading the word. At yesterday’s meeting, PSA students interacted with members of the Sociology Student Association to discuss social situations in families and in the workplace.

The PSA meets every Thursday at 5:30 PM in Melson Hall. To learn more, reach out via Instagram at @uwg_psa.

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