The National Broadcasting Society-University of West Georgia chapter (NBS-UWG) has recently played a major role in preparing students for the 36th annual Media Day by hosting a professional workshop series for students interested in being successful and prepared for Media Day 2017.The National Broadcasting Society- Alpha Epsilon Rho, The National Electronic Media Association (NBS-AERho) is a student and professional society, including over 85 chapters on college campuses. NBS-AERho aids in the professional development of students pursuing careers within electronic media industries. AERho is the honors society within the larger society of NBS. There are a few select members of the NBS-UWG chapter that are also in the AERho honors society.
The first workshop of the professional development series hosted by NBS-UWG was focused on business cards and resumes. The next workshop was about networking 101 and to how greet a professional, keep the conversation flowing and following up with someone. The last workshop of the series was titled ‘Dress for Success’ and focused on what to wear for Media Day that will leave a good impression on the business professionals and alumni who are visiting.
“Those workshops were sponsored by NBS-UWG as a way to help prepare students for Media Day 2017,” said Professor Bradford Yates, faculty advisor of NBS-UWG. “But also for those few who are able to go to the NBS-AERho National Convention in New York City during spring break.” At the National Convention in NYC, members of NBS-UWG will have the opportunity to network with many business professionals within the electronic media industry over the span of four days, as well as learn valuable information.
“Media day puts an adrenaline jolt into NBS members, PRSSA members and other just mass communications majors, minors and perhaps undecided students,” said Yates. “They are excited because someone will be here from Fox 5, WSB and many of these folks that come back are alumni who have sat in the same seats. This is a reunion for them to see their friends, professors and meet the new budding professionals.
“NBS is really excited every year to be part of helping support media day wherever it can,” said Yates. “Whether it’s officially or doing something just because we know it is important for the students and to support the department. “
Yates did aide in the instillation of NBS-AERho on the University of West Georgia’s campus. Although, before NBS-UWG was here, Yates and his previous students founded the Mass Communications Society (MCS) in 2006 at UWG. MCS was the top student organization on campus before transitioning into NBS-AERho-UWG.
“In many respects 2006 helped in creating the foundation that evolved into PRSSA and NBS which are nationally affiliated societies,” said Yates. “The student film makers club is also another arm that grew out from MCS.”
The University of West Georgia’s NBS chapter was founded in 2012 and is highly decorated with many awards and recognized nationally. NBS-UWG is currently the reigning chapter of the year for NBS-AERho and has won consecutively the past two years on a national level. NBS-UWG is also active with community service projects around the Carrollton area.
This year NBS-UWG has toured iHeartMedia and Cox Media, which includes WSB radio and television. The chapter also had the opportunity to visit Pinewood Studios two times and CNN. NBS-UWG has many connections to each of these groups and studios because there are alumni who work within the companies, and have helped the chapter to schedule tours and meet different professionals within this field. These experiences give the members of NBS-UWG great opportunities to make connections and network with real professionals in their desired field of work.
NBS-UWG is extremely student driven. Yates said that he does have to do different administrative tasks for the chapter, but it is student leaders in the mass communications department who recognize what this society can do for them, and see the chapter and national dues as an investment in their future, that truly succeed and use NBS-UWG as an aide in their professional careers.
“The most rewarding thing is the connections, skills, and knowledge about every industry that you learn from the panel discussions, tours, workshops, and especially attending the National Convention,” said Sierra Lemelle, NBS-UWG president and UWG student.
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