Halloween Pool Party Spectacular

The Lakeshore Natatorium’s spine-tingling Halloween Pool Party will send off Carrollton, Georgia’s annual Fall Festival on Oct. 28 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. It will be a ghoulish combination of community spirit and spooktacular entertainment. This event, a pillar of Carrollton’s rich tradition, is set to treat locals and guests alike for an exhilarating good time.

Plenary Speaker Dr. Stephanie Hershinow talks “Barbie” and Bildungsroman at English Conference

Oct. 19 marked UWG’s and LURe Journal’s annual English Undergraduate Research Conference. With panels presenting student papers on Irish studies, humor theory and early American literature compared to contemporary works among many other topics that highlighted broader social observations through various essays.

The Genius of Boygenius

On Wednesday, Oct. 11, I had the pleasure of attending an early release listening party for Boygenius’ new EP “the rest” that was set to release on the following Friday, Oct. 13. The listening party took place at Criminal Records in Atlanta, GA, and was open to all.