“Heartstoppers” Season 2: Accurately Depicts Mental Health on Netflix

Netflix’s “Heartstoppers” Season 2 stands out as a beacon of realism in a world where entertainment frequently sensationalizes drama and romance while shedding awareness on the crucial issue of mental health. This well-liked British series, which is based on Alice Oseman’s graphic novels, returns with a moving timely examination of the difficulties young people confront.

45th Annual Gold Rush Festival: The History of Villa Rica

On Sept. 8 and 9, the City of Villa Rica will hold their 45th annual Gold Rush Festival in the heart of the city.  The event sheds light on not only the current residing citizens but also its past residents and rich historical events that took place a little under two centuries ago.

Underground Books: Still Cozy and Alive

Amidst the charming streets of Carrollton, Georgia, a vibrant tapestry of local businesses contributes to the city’s distinctive character. Three years after the pandemic, Josh Niesse, Co-owner of Underground Books, shares insights into the bookstore’s history, distinctive offers and strong ties to the city.